Education – Training Modules

The Education Department and school administrators at Partnership Schools jointly determine the specific placement of student teachers and the cooperating teachers with whom they will be placed. All cooperating teachers are asked to prepare for their roles by using a Cooperating Teacher Training Module before beginning their work with a Benedictine student teacher. (To peruse the Cooperating Teacher Training Module, you may access it by using “teamguest” as the username and “fa2013” as the password).The training module is easy to use and is designed to assist the cooperating teacher in becoming better acquainted with the Benedictine Teacher Education Program (TEP). Cooperating teachers are able to work through the training module at their own pace, learning more about the TEP’s Conceptual Framework, Goals and Outcomes, and how to properly use the Student Teacher Evaluation Instrument.

In addition to the training module, the Education Department prepares cooperating teachers to adequately support preservice professional education at Benedictine through ongoing personal contact with the Director of Student Teaching, and by providing them with the Cooperating Teacher Handbook. The handbook serves as a resource to thoroughly explain the role and responsibilities of the cooperating teacher.