Math/Computer Science – Research & Projects

Our Mathematics and Computer Science students are involved with many different kinds of research and projects. All math majors must complete a research project and computer science majors complete a final group project. We also have students accepted into summer REU (research experiences for undergraduates) programs across the country. Students are also encouraged to do projects for Discovery Day. Below are some recent examples.

Mathematics Directed Research Projects

Steiner’s Conic Problem – Kieran Amsberry

Abstract: We give an introduction to Enumerative Algebraic Geometry and an upper bound for Stiener’s conic problem and point-line-conic enumerative problems. The point-line-conic problems are of the form: “How many conics contain p given points are tangent to q given conics, and tangent l given lines in the plane general position such that p+l+q =5?”

Euclid and the Method of Exhaustion – Joseph Hund

Abstract: The method of exhaustion is a process that was discovered by the ancient Greeks to find area or volume of a shape by placing other shapes into it until the space inside is filled up. This most notably appears in Book XII of Euclid’s The Elements in Propositions 2, 5, 10, 11, 12, and 18 which this paper will examine. This book was a pioneer of its time by using axiomatic methods to prove points of geometry. The method of exhaustion was a precursor to modern calculus and which was furthered my great minds including Archimedes, Kepler, and Cavalieri.

Mathematics Independent Research Topics

The Algebra of Quaternionsa Brief Look into the Discovery and Use of Quaternions – Katie Goring

Game Theory and Nash’s Equilibrium – Gabriel Sherman

Projective Space: Including Infinity in the Picture – Abby Hickin

Knot Theory – Josh Haren

Transfinite Cardinal Numbers and the Continuum Hypothesis – Daniel Fortino

The Mathematics of the Sounds of the Organ – Tess Schuck

Coding Theory with Reed-Solomon Codes as a Real-World Example – Augustine Calvino

A Brief Overview of Numerical Analysis – Rochelle Farson

The Rubik’s Cube: Not So Puzzling After All – Mary Kate Levitt

Using Groebner Bases to Solve Sudoku Puzzles – Megan Ruzicka

Computer Science Projects

ORDO: Mobile Table Ordering Solution – Nicole Barry, John Corkum, Andrew Greiner and Isaac Straus

Chemistry Nomenclature Memorization – Colton Cole, Philip Harris and Chase Taylor

Study Abroad Database – Alex Rohm and Mary Rumpza

Free Health Care Clinic Webpage – Gabriel Hermes, Travis Hicks and Dominic Schmitz

Tutoring Information Tracker – Hannah Klamerus, Mark Mast, Joseph Rioux and Donovan Templeton

Discovery Day Presentations

Fighting With Fractions: Finding the Whole Solution – Catherine Rea

Econometrics of the Domestic Box Office – Ben Schutte

Intelligent Parallelization of Numerical Solvers – Paul Modlin

Mathematical Analysis and Visualization of the BC Course Catalog – Kassy Short